Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pics of the family

Brent in Tien Amin Square, Beijing, China (May, 2007)

Brent in the Forbidden Palace, Beijing, China (May, 2007)

Brent and Graham Jones (graduate student) in Shanghai, China, May 2007

Brent and Graham Jones (graduate student) in Shanghai, China, May 2007

Candy opening up a Christmas present (2006)

Candy at Christmas 2006 with her brother Jacob.

Here are Sam (left) and Luther (right) decorating a cake at Gabby's birthday party (March, 2007).

Here is Gabby at her party (March, 2007)

Here is Gabby with her Granpa Hales (left) and Grandpa Smith. She wanted her grandpas to baptize and confirm her. We were more than willing to let her choose them. What a great day!

This is Luther in front a Spiderman cut out at Wal-Mart. We had been told that Spiderman would be at the store (bummer). Regardless, they were excited.

Here is Sam with the Spiderman in black.

Here is Matt at a recent recorder choir concert. He was the featured soloist out of 12 5th grade classes.

Here are the boys at scout camp (June, 2007). Zach is second from the left and Matt is in the middle (the short one with sweet hair).